• Rendered Mosiacs – Creating a Picture with Glass on Glass

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    Name: Rendered Mosiacs – Creating a Picture with Glass on Glass
    Date: April 9, 2025
    Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
    Event Description:
    This specific form of mosaic work allows students to take a photo or other image and recreate it using tiny bits of glass that will be glued onto glass. The final piece may or may not need to be grouted in the final stage, depending on the student’s choice. Students will learn how to cut, nip and shape glass to render their image with some artistic flair. Design choice is key, so images must be approved by the instructor. Grouting technique will be taught regardless of whether it is required in the final product. All glass, grout and tools will be provided by instructor. Class Fee: $115 Ages: Teens and Adults 13+ Registration Deadline: 4/04 12 PM MATERIALS TO BRING Wooden frame with picture glass no larger than 11×14, small bottle of Weld bond glue or similar, small plastic containers or Ziploc baggies to hold glass bits, fine tweezers and fine tip paintbrush can be helpful. Image selection must be approved by the instructor prior to class – emailed to katie@bktrent.org.
    Jansen Art Center 321 Front Street Lynden, WA 98264
    Date/Time Information:
    Wednesdays 4/09/25-4/30/25 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    Contact Information:
    Class Fee: $160
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